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Showing 1 to 224 of 224
Showing 1 to 224 of 224

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As an unfulfilled 18-year-old trying to wriggle through life without a mother, Lucia Madu's life was far from being blissful. With her dreams of acquiring tertiary education hanging in the bala   ... Read More


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"Your Leadership Lifestyle Compendium."

Regardless of our past experiences, life is much more of how we make use of the present to birth the future we desire. However, our prese   ... Read More


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"Barney Lives' is a memoir of how the death of my son gave rise to the Life in me today. It tells of the experiences I had, the lessons learnt and the value for L   ... Read More


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In "How to Start an Event Catering business Peniel shares her story with expert tips from knowledge she had gained from her experiences of winning and losing.
  ... Read More


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It is said that the speed of light is the fastest in the world, however, considering the story of creation, even Light came into existence by words spoken by the mouth of   ... Read More


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In my interaction with most married women who are enjoying a blissful marital relationship. I have found a few things in common:


<   ... Read More


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The book discusses the foundation and magnitude Of believers' victory in Christ. It gradually illustrates the origin Of every believer's power, his or her identity   ... Read More


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MIRROR DIGEST is a compendium of
God's given revelation received some
years back but refined and rebirthed in
August, 2019 from James 1:23-25 (NLT).
Therein, the ins   ... Read More


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Over the years, we've been drilled to play
small in the hair industry, it's not thelack
of talent that is holding people back from
leading & being successful. Peopl   ... Read More


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This book was written with you in mind-for
you to builda great relationship with your
children by loving them unconditionally, and
influencing them positively.
This book   ... Read More


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Are you tired of settling for less when you
have a world of abundance all around you?
Are you thirsty for an extraordinary life?<   ... Read More


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The Gold in Your Hand is a book that was
crafted by inspiration derived from the place
of seeing the pain in the world and using this
means to solve the problem. It'sa book   ... Read More


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The purpose of this book is to let parents
in this 21st century know that your being a
parent is not an accident. Good parenting is
NO accident neither is the bad one. Success<   ... Read More


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On the 22nd of February 2005, at exactly
1p.m, I was in my home when the Lord Jesus
suddenly showed mea vision. In that vision,
saw the entire world clearly and each of the
Read More


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TWENTIES AND MORE is a unique guide
that addresses silentsubjects that are rarely
discussed yet largely affect young peoplein
their day to day choices.
Through practical   ... Read More


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HOW LATE IS TOO LATE? was written
because the author believes this is the
best time to build a transformational and
originative business for late
bloomers. This book sho   ... Read More


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I have seen how people struggle with finding love. I have seen how people have
suffered terrible pain, hurt, disappointment and rejection from those who supposedly ought to be dispensing lov   ... Read More


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Family Finance Secrets Aspiring and Married Couples Need to know in Maintaining a Financially Free Home is a beautiful book on Family and Personal Finance. 

The Author adopted the st   ... Read More


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"Insights on the issues of Life" is a book
that unfolds a series of amazing nuggets
that have been discovered through in-depth
observation of young minds in their nat   ... Read More


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Social Story is a story that comprises
of three areas in teaching children with
learning disabilities and children with
Autism Spectrum Heritability to read and to
compr   ... Read More


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I realised that a lot of people suffer hurt, pain
and shame because someone, somewhere,
accuses them of something they don't know
anything about.
Most people in pris   ... Read More


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Hi T have been waiting for you , so
that I could tell you that you are the
light you've been searching for so
desperately in dark times.
A lot of times we are sittin   ... Read More


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Early 2014, I lost my Job; however, the
experience made me understand the anxiety and worries that comes with losing one's job,
especially if one has given one   ... Read More


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Do you know that there is a divine vacancy for every woman to fill in these last
days, with a role that has clearly been defined by God? However, any woman
who must fill this vacancy   ... Read More


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RAISE THAT IEAD is for anyone who wants to grow and
live a life of significance and express their uniqueness
and individuality to live a life of impact
It is a must read for th   ... Read More


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It's time to build a tribe of G.O.L.D Diggers
who stay
inspired to live phenomenal lives always.
Once the inspiration within was stirred up,
the quotes and ideas sta   ... Read More


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The All or None Law underpins all the
actions carried out by the neurons, the primary
cells of the brain. The idea being that, the
ncuron only transmits impulses that are of
Read More


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Writing to impact is not just writing on paper or on other writing
tools. You shouldn't just write because you want to write. You
should write because you have sormething meaningf   ... Read More


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Imagine the excitement you'll feel when you start your jewelry business. Family añd
friends can't stop talking about how beautiful your merchandise is. They love their
  ... Read More


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This handbook seeks to help team leaders
and members alike as well as customer
service personnel be at the top of their
It provides both theoretical approaches to<   ... Read More


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Use What You Have To Get What
You Want' is a book that talks about
discovering those hidden gifts,
talents, expertise, skills you've
developed unconsciously, abi   ... Read More


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Singles' bank is a life manual for every
singles. The book addresses the matters
of life and marriage in a simple and well
constructed manner using the banking
syste   ... Read More


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The principles in this book have
been carefully vetted and verified
through the lives of already and
progressive men and they have
been validated.
Are you about t   ... Read More


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This book is written to unveil the secrets on
how you can dismantle and tear down the
strongholds of shame. As a child of God,
you belong to an insignia of royalty. You are
Read More


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My Marriage; My Work: How I Became an Employee in Marriage is not one of the books on marriage in bookstores. This is actually THE book. There are many books on the subject of marriage that use the   ... Read More


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The paper is patient and generous with lines,
the pen is willing and dutiful to its service,
the words form and flow.
Ideas from my mind formed by my hand,
Some make sen   ... Read More


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This book was written from my experiences with money spending and
management, in order to show you some of my mistakes and the solutions
employed to fix those mistakes.
The boo   ... Read More


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You have been hearing and reading so much about it but
you don't know how to put it all together for yourself in a
way that fits you just right without making a mess of it.
  ... Read More


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This is a book written for every lady. If you are a lady and you want to know more about your uniqueness, you'll find this book interesting.

  ... Read More


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God's will is central to God's
dealing with man. He gives priority
to His will in every ramification. His
plans are inexhaustible. It covers
every area and secon   ... Read More


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This is a serial book about a 13-year-old protagonist, Winnie Fredrick, Winnie Fredrick's humorous and dramatic life is written in a diary format by Winslet and illustrated with drawings and do   ... Read More


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CIA World Factbook pegged Nigeria's population at 214, 028, 302
(July 2020 est.) people and the distribution is as follows:
0-14 years: 41.7% (male 45,571,738/female 43,674,769)Read More


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Early 2014, I lost my job; however, the
experience made me understand the anxiety
and worries that comes with losing one's job,
especially if one has given one'   ... Read More


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There's a formula that guarantees abundant wealth. This formula is a compass that will guide you from whatever position you are to a place of true riches, cash and kind and all. This formula is   ... Read More


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It is becoming a norm that unbelievers prosper and become great, even more than the sons of the Kingdom. We now witness dispensations in which the youth desire the greatness of the ungodly. They si   ... Read More


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THE BOOK OF MANY REALITIES can be called a book of wisdom. It contains many revelations about life. A lot of people miss it in life either as a result of lack of information or misinformation about   ... Read More


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"Empowered to Succeed" is an inspirational book that focuses on impacting great knowledge into people through inspirational poems.
The desire of every youth is to be successful in   ... Read More


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Every man was created with a purpose – beautifully outlined and intricately designed by the Wisdom of God. And His reason? To show the beauty of His wisdom through us who believe unto the who   ... Read More


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The latter part of year 2019 and the entire year 2020 will remain unforgettable in world history, as COVID-19 ravaged the earth and altered the ways of individuals, organizations, as well as govern   ... Read More


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This book enlightens teens about the right people they need such as role models, mentors, coaches, friends etc. that can help them have a smooth life journey.
It teaches them to know that as   ... Read More


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This book is about a teen girl named Benita who got pregnant in secondary school due to poor parenting, bad friends and curiosity.
She didn't learn her mistake but went further to commit   ... Read More


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Education Before Deportation is a book written to serve as a guide to all who desire to leave their home country to the shores of a foreign land. Many have attempted to carry out this task all on t   ... Read More


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Indeed, time is of essence, and so is every season God brings us into. Here’s to the very important, yet timely lessons Abba has taught in my on-going season of singleness, which you will rea   ... Read More


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There is almost nothing as hurting as hearing children tell lies. This negative behaviour saddens parents, guardians, and any other person tasked with the responsibility of raising such children.Read More


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practical guide, tool, and compass for aspiring writers, professionals, and

celebrated writers who   ... Read More


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Le 22 février 2005 exactement à 13heures. jétais dans ma maison

Iorsque le Seigneur Jésus Christ ma soudainement montre une

vision. Dans ce   ... Read More


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Who is a Hero?

Right from the beginning of time, women gives birth to men according to the principle of reproduction.

But not all men are men, some are called Heroes.

  ... Read More


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There will always be hurdles in life that challenge our comfort zone. "Living Boldly" is a comprehensive compilation of invaluable skills that help you manage stressful situations and cha   ... Read More


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BEING YOUNG AND LETHAL (Living Your Glory Days) is about paying attention to minute details that could make for fulfilled youthful days. It is a manual and caLL reminder culled from the wisdom of s   ... Read More


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This book is about society. it is about the necessity of humans to evolve, to search the truth about themselves and continue to change for the better. And because change is necessary, it requires k   ... Read More


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Brand building is such a tough topic to understand in the digital age. This is because building a brand online is both an art and a science. This is also partly due to the fact that what makes a br   ... Read More


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Reinventing Yourself For the Future, is a lifeline and a guide for anyone looking for success, fulfillment and a fresh start. Change is inevitable. Change comes to all of us - whether we prepare fo   ... Read More


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As with anything worthwhile in life, success requires hard work. Whether you are about starting a business, raising a teenager, or making your first million, there is an indispensable place for har   ... Read More


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Africa is the focus of a lot of discussions these days. We can't stop talking about great Africans, home and abroad doing the unimaginable, and breaking boundaries. Just like women all over the   ... Read More


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Ever wondered why it seems as though your house is always on fire each time the kids are back home? Are you cursing yourself for giving birth to them that you begin to think ways to leave them and   ... Read More


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"The responsibility for the growth, development, and success of a child is arguably one of the most challenging aspects of our lives as parents and professionals. it is a role that no book, vi   ... Read More


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DAYS OF MY FATHERS is a nonfictional tale of the lifestyles of my father's generation; particularly the   ... Read More


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Words are seeds. They take root, germinate and grow. For this reason, we must be intentional about our use and choice of words, to make sure that wrong seeds are not planted in our children. My boo   ... Read More


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This workbook is a perfect companion for the book: Help That Child! (by the same author), as it provides a guide for the reader to think, reflect and take actions based on the information shared an   ... Read More


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It is time to enter into His Rest and cease from every struggle and effort to keep the “commandments” of God in   ... Read More


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Unveil Your influence' is a book targeted at young professionals, especially those in Africa. It serves as a reference material that seeks to help young professionals unravel t   ... Read More


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POWERED BY BLOOD is a book written to open the believer to a deeper understanding of BLOOD as it relates to our life here on earth.
Life is powered by blood. Negative or positive, nobody mak   ... Read More


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THE BABY PUREE Recipe Book is a book written by Mrs. Chinaza Muoh to enlighten women, mothers and anyone interested in learning about baby nutrition.

The book contains tips you need to kn   ... Read More


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For anyone to succeed in life and destiny, the place and significance of personal development cannot be overemphasized, because it takes fundamental secrets to succeed in any field of human endeavo   ... Read More


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Far from a mere book of my story, it’s a co-creation with Abba, reaching out to the deepest seat of yo   ... Read More


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Odion, a beautiful and elegant girl, despite being raped by a trusted uncle, succeeded in carving out a niche for herself. Her story, though deeply touching, is a reflection of the travails of an a   ... Read More


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Power of Spoken Word Practically Demonstrated is a Holy Spirit inspired book containing twenty-six heaven-backed testimonies arising from the functional use of the spoken word to achieve divine pur   ... Read More


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The Man of God presents a true picture of the mental framework of a man of God. It highlights the character and true essence of the god in man that does not allow the "man of God" in him   ... Read More


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The African man is called to a sober reflection about himself in relation to others and about the reason for   ... Read More


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You are one step away from a better financial future when you stop neglecting the common things keeping your finances ever decreasing. No one is responsible for your financial downfall or dilemma.   ... Read More


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Foreword by Emeka Nobis.

"In 2010 I set off to author my first book. 

Inspired by the possibility of being published by a foreign company, I made stri   ... Read More


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"Your potentials are those possibilities captured in your ordination, which you are yet to become" * Do you constantly perceive there are things locked up on your inside but not finding expression?   ... Read More


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You would agree with me that 21st Century parenting is a huge and demanding task.
Despite the different solutions proffered to equip parents on how to successfully raise children, there&rsqu   ... Read More


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Collection of poems which will take you on a 30-days journey of healing & wholesomeness. I bet that you will see with a clearer perspective issues that have lingered on your mind. I bet that yo   ... Read More


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Have you lost hope in life, relationships, and the marketplace? You have an advantage in rising above anything life throws at you. That's what this book is all about.


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Many people worry about public speaking and how hard it is to prepare for a presentation, speaking on Zoom, or interacting with others through public speaking.

Fear of judgement and worry   ... Read More


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In the latter half of the 19th century, the wheels of colonization begin to gather momentum across Africa. One of the first territories the British would claim is Lagos. As the Brits spread their t   ... Read More


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Triumphing Over Limitations is a book which explains the challenges people face when they set goals and cannot achieve them. It opens the eyes of the reader to the factors that accompany low achiev   ... Read More


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The Unknown Money is a book that will expand your horizon on the way you look at money. People look for money in dollars, others look for money in pounds but the real money is in quality relationsh   ... Read More


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It  is  easier  and  better  to  start  a  journey  and  navigate  through  a  path  having  a  guide  and    ... Read More


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This book was written through the inspiration and divine help of God who Himself created the time of waiting, reasons for waiting and benefits of waiting on Him; as well as the con   ... Read More


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It is no secret we are living in the biblically prophesied "end of days." Will Christians face the Great Tribulation? Why does the Lord Jes   ... Read More


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Memoirs of a Borno Corper is the unique story of courage and adventure of a young lady who chose through God's leading to serve in Borno State during the incessant Boko Haram attacks in the Sta   ... Read More


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This book is written to take you by the hand on your journey to become a highly profitable writer. You can't read this book and still not know how to become a millionaire writer. If you are tir   ... Read More


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Table for Two is a book inspired by the misconception many believers and unbelievers have about God, the place, and process of communicating with God. I grew up with a misconstrued id   ... Read More


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A lot of people assume that once they get into marriage, everything will fall in place. Since they love their spouse, they will figure it out. Most times they find out it's not the same way the   ... Read More


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No woman wishes to be widowed at 27, not after being married for only three years. Chineye and Thomas tie the knot with dreams of forever, a home full of love and laughter, and little replicas of t   ... Read More


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Falling is a collection of poetry about heartbreak, love, femininity and healing. Its split into four chapters, each chapters takes the reader on a journey of scars to falling. Love is never truly   ... Read More


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Bright light is my heart written out in words to every reader. An event in school made Tomi realise that the beauty of light is that it shines. Just like Tomi did, if every reader can find practica   ... Read More


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Teaching must be the world's greatest profession and life's experiences are the best 'teachers'. The luckiest 'students', however, are those that can learn from the 'les   ... Read More


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Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, born March 2nd, 1942. needs little or no introduction. By the help of the Spirit, he has and still does have one of the most profound impact on the spread of the gospe   ... Read More


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The pharmaceutical and entrepreneurship industries are one of the most flourishing and fastest growing industries in the world for the very simple reason that people get ill.


  ... Read More


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This book is a celebration of you; your beautiful heart, the love you give and the energy you bring to the rooms you walk into. 

I want to remind you of how special, rare and deservi   ... Read More


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"The Holes Under My Nose" focuses on the divides, primarily, between Northern and Southern Nigeria. At the center of this captivating story stands Kange, who is from a minority ethnic gro   ... Read More


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The Confident Speaker is a book that reveals the power and art of persuasive speaking (public speaking). It provides answers to the frequently asked questions on public speaking and covers the foll   ... Read More


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A family man led his family into uncertainty through his desire for wealth accumulation forgetting that it'   ... Read More


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From my experience as a marriage and wife coach, I have over the years seen that patience in marriage is essential for your relationship to succeed. So much so, that I believe it’s one of the   ... Read More


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This book you are about to read is not a book that is limited to increasing your intelligence about God's mind on Consecration, Faith, Prayer and God's Word. It is a workbook that w   ... Read More


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The book, The Smiling Tears of Mariama, is a lifting motivational book for everyone. It tells the true-life story of a lady whose determination for success never made her rest, and whose resilience   ... Read More


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This timely book is all about the discovery of purpose and the pursuit of that purpose through divine guidance. The irrefutable truth is, everyone has a purpose to fulfil on the earth, as no one is   ... Read More


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You know the different feelings that comes with life, the uncertainties, the happy times, the doubts, the imposter syndromes, the depressed and the indifferent times. In all, you just wish your lif   ... Read More


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Now, This is Courtship! provides a detailed insight into the world of Christian courtship. The limited available knowledge on a godly Christian courtship is believed to be a cause of errors young C   ... Read More


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"The world through my eyes" is a detailed collection of captivating and riveting real life stories, written with the intent to give hope and transform lives.

The book is not a f   ... Read More


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Esther Purity Rex Wokama is a young writer, born in the Gambia to Nigeria parents, she is the last child amongst her siblings and currently lives with her family in The Gambia. She is a born again   ... Read More


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The Path takes you down the path of success in the world of Sarah and Rayan. It reveals their struggles, challenges and dedication on their way to achieve success, both in the physical and emotiona   ... Read More


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A true understanding of Who the Father is can only lead you to one thing: WORSHIP - which will certainly build your confidence and strengthen you in your life's journey, as you walk with God. U   ... Read More


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This is the story of a teenage girl called Amelia, a victim of two rape incidents. Amelia is the daughter of a mostly absent father and a less circumspect mother. She has endured undeserved shame a   ... Read More


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Too many believers in Christ have a limited understanding of what the church really means as well as what purpose she is intended to serve. The Revelation of the Church is a book geared towards edu   ... Read More


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This is one family's account of the efforts of an ordinary parent pair both of whom had simple beginnings yet rich heritage from the ancient Ijebu-Igbo town of Ogun State, Nigeria The purpose o   ... Read More


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Nigeria in 2031 was an inspiration from God long before the 2023 electioneering process started. The manuscript was written in 2021 after I read some write-up on WhatsApp from a friend (Treasure),   ... Read More


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Echoes Of My Heartbeat is a witty collection of poems and a short story, inspired by some real events and pictures the author has taken over time. The author has also included these pictures in the   ... Read More


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Living a life of prayer guarantees you victory on every side, and becoming who GOD has ordained you to be entails some strategic move. This devotional propels you through prayer into the supernatur   ... Read More


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Recently, there was a publication about the drying up of the River Euphrates and the battle about to begin. This book contains mystical messages explaining numerous happenings from time immemo   ... Read More


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Many people are terrified of Linkedln. They think it's just a platform for job search and show-off, but it's beyond that.
Linkedln is a platform where you can express your true self   ... Read More


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This book is borne out of the rich experience I have garnered since I started working with children in 1976 . I got the inspiration to write the book in order to emphasize the blessing attached to   ... Read More


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Success and failure are not just a business of the mind or thought; they are rather a business of acts—in the doing or failure to do. This book brings to bare the foundation for a successful   ... Read More


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God's love is sacrificial. He sacrificed himself to show how much He loves you. John 3:16, the most famous scripture in the Bible, says, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begot   ... Read More


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People journey to Europe through the Libyan route. Most of them pay the price with their lives while just a few survive the harrowing experiences of the journey.

The book 'Bleeding Ho   ... Read More


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This captivating memoir chronicles the tale of a teenager who, in spite of her diligence and hard work, encountered academic difficultie   ... Read More


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The book is meant to bring a very special understanding on the operation of faith as it affects our present world. It will teach the world not to generalize faith but specify it when dealing with t   ... Read More


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Mothers Arise Devotional is a prayer book written to inspire and awaken mothers to arise and pray for their children. Mothers are watchmen, they are to protect, prepare, and equip their children fo   ... Read More


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When we scan at the lifestyle of people today, it's obvious that a multitude are becoming health conscio   ... Read More


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Anyone looking for a romantic story set in Africa and fitted with the colourful accessories of culture, should read Talo. The tale has real and lovable characters, scenes that are so vivid and a pl   ... Read More


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This book is written to inspire and make you achieve success in any endeavour you find yourself. It has some success tips and ingredients as well as failure ingredients that will enable you know wh   ... Read More


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35 is a true life story that details the struggle of a contemporary Christian single woman who had to endure a troubled childhood, navigate through a biased church and find her path through the lab   ... Read More


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Esther's Brave Journey is a story of wisdom and courage that will inspire and teach your child important life lessons. This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of Esther, a young Jewis   ... Read More


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David's Love for God A Story of Devotion and Faithfulness is a wonderful children's Christian book that tells the story of David's journey and love for God. It is an inspiring and encou   ... Read More


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Have you ever wondered what your special talent or gift might be? Just like Joseph in the Bible, every child has their own unique set of talents waiting to be discovered and developed. In this book   ... Read More


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"Becoming Deborah: Learning to Love and Serve Others" is a Christian book designed for children who want to learn about the importance of loving and serving others. Through the story of D   ... Read More


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SIZZLING INTIMACY AND SEX IN MARRIAGE is a tell-all masterpiece that provides a thorough insight into what Christian singles and the married really seek to know about sex and romance. This is not a   ... Read More


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Are you looking for healthy and delicious Nigerian recipes that won't compromise your taste bud? Look no further than Recipes and Preparations of Healthy Nigerian Foods, Snacks & Smoothies:   ... Read More


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Once upon a time, in a land far away, 

A book of fairy tales came to play.


With tales of magic and stories so grand, 

Each page filled with   ... Read More


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BECAUSE OF YOU is a collection of poems about passion, desire, affection and love. 
Love in all its phases; the wonder, the uncertainty and the realization. It takes you throu   ... Read More


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Learning How to Pray is a book written to teach children ages 1-8 how to pray. It also serves the parents as a guide on how to teach their children the act of prayer. It contains well-illustrated p   ... Read More


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This deeply personal and courageous memoir recounts my experiences with domestic violence, sharing painful and often traumatic details of abuse at the hands of my husband (now my ex). The abuse inc   ... Read More


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Everyone has their own notion of what mentorship should be, many of which are grossly wrong. You are likely to be on that web. Without mincing words, mentorship is one of the widely misunderstood a   ... Read More


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When you start planning for your long productive life and career, the first thing that comes to mind is getting a u   ... Read More


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Journey to 30, for me, is a book I would have loved to come across long before I clocked thirty, and that is the greatest motivation I have for writing this book. I believe that if young adults or   ... Read More


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Many people in the secular world have gotten engrossed with procrastination so much that they remain stuck in life. I wrote this book to reveal the true character of procrastination to all and sund   ... Read More


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Do you want to become a better writer? 
Do you want to understand the principles of effective writing? 
Do you want to learn from other writing experts in the industry?    ... Read More


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Do you desire to achieve massive success in your life? 
Do you want to move from where you are now to where you desire to be? 
Do you want to learn the principles of success   ... Read More


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The Wealth Book is an exceptional guide to understanding money. It offers invaluable insights on how to overcome poverty and embrace wealth. 
With practical wisdom, this book provides y   ... Read More


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THE PATHWAY TO SANITY: A GUIDE FOR A PEACEFUL LIFE, is a book that provides readers with sound principles to live a sane and peaceful life in a chaotic world. Its objective is to help the old and t   ... Read More


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If you are looking to elevate your writing from good to exceptional, look no further than this comprehensive guide. With the 21 Irrefutable Laws, you'll gain the tools and techniques necessary   ... Read More


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It's no longer news that people will judge a book by its cover. But just as important as the cover of a book is, the title of that book is also imperative.

However, one of the biggest   ... Read More


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How big Jesus' love is for mankind that He laid His life for us so that we might have eternal life! He deserves all the love in our heart. This book is filled with stories inspired by the Holy   ... Read More


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This book is a life-transforming piece that is dedicated to women all over the world. It serves as a guide to help women embrace their true identity and make the most of their unique complexities.   ... Read More


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Marriage is a beautiful journey that comes with its own set of chalenges. It is an institution that requires love, commitment, and dedication from both partners to thrive. Love beyond the wedding i   ... Read More


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Do you want to become a better writer? 
Do you want to understand the principle of effective writing?
Do you want to learn from other writing experts in the industry?
Do y   ... Read More


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Are you tired of feeling like something is missing from your life? Do you long to wake up every morning with a sense of direction and fulfillments? Look no further than "Purpose: Discover it.   ... Read More


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Fear is a significant obstacle that often prevents people from pursuing their purposes. Interestingly, other creatures that are less intelligent than humans seem to fulfill their purposes fearlessl   ... Read More


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"Becoming The Exceptional Being" is more than just an autobiography; it is a powerful compendium of life lessons that will inspire and transform you, the reader. My remarkable journey fro   ... Read More


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Unlock Your Creativity and Banish Writer's Block Forever with "The Myth Called Writer Block"

If you've ever struggled with the dreaded writer's block myth, this book   ... Read More


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Do you aspire to be a successful writer, playing a bigger game and achieving massive results? This book outlines 15 practical steps to help you reach that goal. By reading and applying its teaching   ... Read More


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Overlooked Doctrine and Truth is a clarion call for a return to godliness by embracing Biblical doctrine and truth. It highlights the danger in spiritual starvation, its causes, and wayout in key a   ... Read More


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Faith brutally discovered that her marriage and home have been hijacked unimaginably. She resorts to communion with her Father and draw strength from Him. The exchange is one woman's   ... Read More


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"The Love Exposed" serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating the world of love, helping you understand both the art of giving and receiving love. It provides insights into the proper   ... Read More


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The book is about facing your fears,standing up for yourself and a reminder to believe in yourself when you find yourself in a new environment. It talks about how kids can learn to be kind and resp   ... Read More


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From the moment we were born, we were enrolled in a lifelong race. Unlike a typi   ... Read More


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The Potential Within is an immensely captivating and life-changing guide that serves as a beacon of inspiration on the path of personal growth and self discovery. 

This extraordinary   ... Read More


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Prayer Raid contains scriptural and prophetic documents with words meant for confessional and declarative prayer to be declared loudly with faith in the name of Jesus Christ, the o   ... Read More


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This story is about a great Lion King Mitumba and his son, Leo who lived happily with other animals in the jungle. The story shows us how a jealous group of tigers took away the kingdom from the Ki   ... Read More


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This book takes you on a journey through the timeless gems of insight and guidance that can elevate your life to extraordinary heights. Within these pages, you will discover a treasure trove of wis   ... Read More


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Man never receives anything on a golden platter. To get the most out of life, it is expedient for man to push e   ... Read More


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Found in the Garbage follows the struggles many people go through quietly, away from the public knowledge of strangers and loved ones. Living under the cover-ups, the Owner built  to sustain a   ... Read More


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I did not discover my identity or creative passion until my late 40s. I was living in mediocrity, crippled by limiting beliefs based on my upbringing. I was unhappy with my life but did not know ho   ... Read More


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"NEVER GIVE UP" is an epic tale that delves into the journey of Adigun and his trials. When confronted with challenges, giving up often appears as the easiest option. Have you ever explor   ... Read More


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This book enumerates the attitudes, skills and knowledge that form the algorithms for this journey - from the back to the front row of life. I had poliomyelitis as a young lad of 18 months and life   ... Read More


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Death is inevitable. However, it can be postponed until old age. This is termed, longevity. It is for this reason, borne out of the desire that all humans would achieve longevity, that this book wa   ... Read More


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The Mechanics of Standard English simply expatiates upon how the English language can be accurately deployed. It discloses, among other realities, the (sub-) concepts of some word classes, the usag   ... Read More


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It would be very difficult to find satisfaction in life until you you have discovered what you're cut out for and which coincides with your being. Uninterestinly, I think it'll be much more   ... Read More


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Adil, a young, vibrant lady with a fool, hardy personality, navigates through life. Her teenage stage, school life, and marital phase were not something anyone could wish for. She experienced an un   ... Read More


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This is a personal of story of different phases in my life, which will enable you to navigate troubled waters and emerge victorious, even in times of difficult challenges.

  ... Read More


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In a world brimming with challenges, responsibilities, and diverse roles, many women often find themselves losing their true essence. In stark contrast, a virtuous woman gracefully navigates these   ... Read More


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"I'm Still Flawed" is a candid account of my journey to self-discovery and personal growth. From my struggles with low self-esteem as a young girl to my transformation into a confiden   ... Read More


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The Native Child is the story of a young boy, seventeen years of age, who learns to survive in a post independent Nigeria, just after the civil war. Having passed through   ... Read More


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Understanding Tea is the beginning to an enchanting exploration into the world of tea, brewing and drinking tea which becomes an art in themselves, a ritual woven into my every day spirituality. Th   ... Read More


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Productivity Hack is a compendium of precious secrets, tips and tricks on how to radically boost your productivity and significantly enhance your creativity. In this tour de force, the mysteries th   ... Read More


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Witchcraft, Darkness, The Presence of God, The Angelic Host, and the Power of Pentecost... on the Earth!

The Goshen Experience is an expository warfare tool for spirit-led believers, with   ... Read More


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The legend of tooth fairies and their interactions with children who lose their milk teeth transcends generations, cultures, and races and remains relevant globally today   ... Read More


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The legend of tooth fairies and their interactions with children who lose their milk teeth transcends generations, cultures, and races and remains relevant globally today. The Tales from Toothville   ... Read More


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Till My Change Comes is a book purposed to bring hope and fuel a resolve to patiently wait on God by those believing him for a change in their situations. Looking at the world today, there is no ga   ... Read More


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Dive into the world of financial literacy with this engaging and educational book tailored for young minds. In 'Millionaire Child, David Flick crafts an accessible and fun journey that introduc   ... Read More


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Author of 'What Your Children Wish You Know About Parenting' released her first book to erase the fears that come from parenting, she says;

'I wrote these practical guides, so   ... Read More


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Treasure-House Collection of Beautiful Short Stories from My Facebook Diary of 2011 and 2014 comprises of five inspired Short Stories. The first of these stories, Behold Here Comes the Go   ... Read More


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Penned in this book are encounters presented in ways that would awaken your spiritual senses to the realities of the unseen realm. Documented there in are prophetic utterances that would remind you   ... Read More


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"Unfiltered Love" is not just a collection of sermons but a blueprint for physical transformation. George's ability to articulate complex issues with clarit   ... Read More


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"Unashamed" is a gripping narrative inspired by real-life events, crafted to enlighten teenagers about the prevalence of predatory behaviour, even   ... Read More


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"Every Woman Should Have This" is not just a book that should be read but memorized.

It is a book to help women discover their uniqueness and know how they can use it to create   ... Read More


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Majority of people believe that school is scam. This is because many people graduate from school with little or no experiences of how to create jobs for themselves and othe   ... Read More


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Ever since I leaped through the hurdle of a longdistance love relationship and it graduated into a lovely union, I can’t count how many times I have got to answer questions regarding long-dis   ... Read More


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My 6 Fantastic Words is a book specially written for children in their early years to introduce and teach them how to communicate with others using the proper words which in turn portrays good mora   ... Read More


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The Trilogy (Ahiara Diocese Crisis Volumes 1-3) chronicles the monumental crisis that engulfed Catholic Diocese of Ahiara, Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria, in the wake of the appointment of Msgr. Peter   ... Read More


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The Trilogy (Ahiara Diocese Crisis Volumes 1-3) chronicles the monumental crisis that engulfed Catholic Diocese of Ahiara, Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria, in the wake of the appointment of Msgr. Peter   ... Read More


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Even princesses go through the worst nightmares of their lives. This is the harsh reality little Michelle is exposed to while left to make a delicate decision - to keep l   ... Read More


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At a tender age, Alexander is unintentionally exposed to the harsh realities of life. In his presence, he sees his mother get beaten by the man he once adored and considered to be the best father.   ... Read More


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Research has it that 50% of businesses fail within the first 5 years of their startup. 

This is bec   ... Read More


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Research has it that 50% of businesses fail within the first 5 years of their startup. 

This is bec   ... Read More


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Do you dream of working from home and earning a steady income in dollars? Look no further! "The Business   ... Read More


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"Start your business with nothing and build a fortune!


"Zero Capital" is the ultimate guide to launching a su   ... Read More


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"Soap Making Millionaire" is a comprehensive guide to launching a successful soap   ... Read More


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Are you ready for an adventure that will inspire and guide your children towards becoming amazing adults who honor God? I've put together an incredible book that will ignite your child's im   ... Read More


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Crude is like a tree that has finally broken through the wall that hindered it. It narrates life's hurdles, dilemmas and desires without restraint. 

This chapbook gives a panoram   ... Read More


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Surefoot is an interactive, adventure, fictional story about a young princess from the Omahi tribe, who goes on an expedition to the Mountain of Lanogoza, seeking the hea   ... Read More


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"Is There Really A God In Heaven?" was written to reveal God to the people. Many take God's mercy for granted, leading them to question His existence.This book delves into the omnipot   ... Read More
