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Tags: revelation of the church, Christianity,

The Revelation of the Church


Product Summery

Too many believers in Christ have a limited understanding of what the church really means as well as what purpose she is intended to serve. The Revelation of the Church is a book geared towards educating the believer on the electrifying details that define the church. The aim is, not just to infoREAD MORE


2hr - 5min
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Too many believers in Christ have a limited understanding of what the church really means as well as what purpose she is intended to serve. The Revelation of the Church is a book geared towards educating the believer on the electrifying details that define the church. The aim is, not just to inform. but also to inspire the believer ?ia exposure to the full purpose of the church. This is because, when the purpose of the church is known, effective participation and togetherness will be achieved within her. You never know how much you don't know until you commit to gaining more understanding of a subject. Be blessed as you walk through this amazing and enlightening path!


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