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Tags: Christianity, Faith, Memoir, Autobiography, birthday,

Journey to 30


Product Summery

Journey to 30, for me, is a book I would have loved to come across long before I clocked thirty, and that is the greatest motivation I have for writing this book. I believe that if young adults or youths can be shown the path early enough, we would have many successful youths. We would have fewerREAD MORE


2hr - 30min
Hour(s) to read


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Journey to 30, for me, is a book I would have loved to come across long before I clocked thirty, and that is the greatest motivation I have for writing this book. I believe that if young adults or youths can be shown the path early enough, we would have many successful youths. We would have fewer youths that are wandering aimlessly and more youths that are striving towards success. That is what I believe this book will achieve in the world: to position you to live a life of influence, impact and wealth, and also be a compass for you on your path to greatness. 

So, do you want to be positioned for a life of influence and wealth? Do you want to live a life of impact? Do you want to achieve greatness in life? Do you want to this a complete life? Do you want to live a life of wealth? Do you want to go through this life as a successful man? This is 

the book you need to read. Journey to 30 is not just another book. Its a life guide. Get it. Read it. And welcome to your journey of transformation


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