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Tags: End-times, Faith, Repentance,

Table for Two


Product Summery

Table for Two is a book inspired by the misconception many believers and unbelievers have about God, the place, and process of communicating with God. I grew up with a misconstrued idea that God must be feared and His presence intimidating to accommodate me. But over time, I have leREAD MORE


1hr - 15min
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Table for Two is a book inspired by the misconception many believers and unbelievers have about God, the place, and process of communicating with God. I grew up with a misconstrued idea that God must be feared and His presence intimidating to accommodate me. But over time, I have learnt and experienced another dimension of God which reshaped my ideology of God and the Godhead. In this book, prayer is pictured as a relationship and not an act alone against popular believe. God is portrayed in new light as “romantic” as suggested by the title of the book. We all know and read of God as caring but the fact that He can be encompassing is mostly left out in the details. Prayer is both spiritual and physical; the physical aspect of prayer is our state of mind on the Person of Christ.

Our God though, a consuming fire, also has His soft spots and those who are abreast with this information enjoy the place of prayer more. The act of meditation becomes less cumbersome and burdensome. Prayer is far beyond the jamboree of singing, dancing, and endless tongue- speaking. It is a life style and a process- based relationship with divinity. At the end of your perusing and regurgitation on the new insight shared on prayer in this book, I believe prayer will become your lifestyle as your journey in your Christian race in Jesus name (AMEN).


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