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Tags: Waiting, Long suffering, Faith,



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This book was written through the inspiration and divine help of God who Himself created the time of waiting, reasons for waiting and benefits of waiting on Him; as well as the consequences of not waiting on Him. It is also backed up with Biblical references for a better understaREAD MORE


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This book was written through the inspiration and divine help of God who Himself created the time of waiting, reasons for waiting and benefits of waiting on Him; as well as the consequences of not waiting on Him. It is also backed up with Biblical references for a better understanding. My experience so far on time of waiting has also played a vital role in the writing of this book.

In a time like this, it is necessary to produce a book like this on waiting time, considering the rate of depression, relationship failures, divorce in marriages due to reasons such as childlessness, suicidal cases, poverty, ritual killings, money rituals, to mention a few, especially amongst the youth.

Though waiting time can be difficult, yet patience is a key virtue. Therefore, this book is highly recommended to every living being (irrespective of your belief) who wants to get the benefits of and rewards for waiting on God.
Every reader is advised to read this book regularly and also follow the practical steps cited in the book. I assure you that if you do, your life will not remain the same and you will be blessed and testify miraculously.



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