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Tags: love, marriage, Biogragpy, Memoir,


  • Author: Chineye Emu
  • Category: Memoirs & Biographies
  • Availability: In Stock

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No woman wishes to be widowed at 27, not after being married for only three years. Chineye and Thomas tie the knot with dreams of forever, a home full of love and laughter, and little replicas of themselves. Both of them have dreams as big as the world and they work in harmony to see those dreamsREAD MORE


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No woman wishes to be widowed at 27, not after being married for only three years. Chineye and Thomas tie the knot with dreams of forever, a home full of love and laughter, and little replicas of themselves. Both of them have dreams as big as the world and they work in harmony to see those dreams fulfilled. 
Until one thy, a test result changes their fives forever. Hospital visits become frequent and hope becomes like a thread, threatening to snap at the slightest pull. On the 15th of October, 2020. everything falls apart and Chineye is left alone to cope with the grief and pain of losing one part of herself. 
in-laws, she must find purpose again. Like the phoenix. she must rise from the ashes of the past, reinventing herself and birthing a ministry. Akporobaro...Life is in front teaches us that our best life is the one yet unseen. yet unlived.The past has offered all it can. the future waits with arms open wide, ready to take us on an adventure of a lifetime. 


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