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Tags: family., love, Relationship, marriage,

My Marriage, My Work

  • Author: Sunday Anani
  • Category: Relationship
  • Availability: In Stock

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My Marriage; My Work: How I Became an Employee in Marriage is not one of the books on marriage in bookstores. This is actually THE book. There are many books on the subject of marriage that use theory to convey their message but this uses the authors' practical stories to give hope to those wREAD MORE


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My Marriage; My Work: How I Became an Employee in Marriage is not one of the books on marriage in bookstores. This is actually THE book. There are many books on the subject of marriage that use theory to convey their message but this uses the authors' practical stories to give hope to those who fear marriage and who think true marriage is not possible.

Written by a young author, My Marriage; My Work xtrays marriage from a youthful and experiential perspective. Many young people seek knowledge on marital issues before entering the union but they hardly find real stories from real marriages to satisfy their hunger for knowledge. This book, therefore, seeks to fill this gap by sharing the author's stories that are as practical as possible.

A major feature of this book is bluntness. The truth people need to read about marriage is laid out herein with so much sincerity that singles and couples need to read. It proffers solution to the problem of dearth of open discussions on marriage.

The book starts with the question of whether you should even marry as an individual. lt establishes a firm position that even though people usually have marital challenges, the best is still obtainable if partners are committed to the success of the

Pivotal discussions on sex, courtship, family finance, handling in-laws, delayed pregnancy, love language, third-party involvement and so on are thoroughly handled
in this book.

As earlier said, this is not one of the books on marriage; it is THE book. Read this!



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