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Tags: David, children, God, love,

David's Love for God


Product Summery

David's Love for God A Story of Devotion and Faithfulness is a wonderful children's Christian book that tells the story of David's journey and love for God. It is an inspiring and encouraging book that teaches children important lessons about faith, love, and devotion. Each chapter ofREAD MORE


0hr - 33min
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David's Love for God A Story of Devotion and Faithfulness is a wonderful children's Christian book that tells the story of David's journey and love for God. It is an inspiring and encouraging book that teaches children important lessons about faith, love, and devotion. Each chapter of the book focuses on a different aspect of David's life, including his childhood, his time as a shepherd, his battle with Goliath, his reign as king, his friendship with Jonathan, and his legacy. Through these stories, children will learn about David's faithfulness to God and the many challenges he faced along the way. The book includes Bible verses, affirmations, prayers, and personal activities that will help children apply the lessons they learn to their own lives. They will be encouraged to pray like David, write their own psalms, and create their own legacy of love for God. With beautiful illustrations and engaging storytelling, David's Love for God is a must-read for children who want to learn more about faith, love, and devotion. It is a perfect gift for young readers who want to grow closer to God and learn more about the Bible. 


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