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Tags: children, parenting, Motivation,

Bright Light


Product Summery

Bright light is my heart written out in words to every reader. An event in school made Tomi realise that the beauty of light is that it shines. Just like Tomi did, if every reader can find practical ways to shine as lights, our world will be a better and more beautiful place to live in. We are liREAD MORE


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Bright light is my heart written out in words to every reader. An event in school made Tomi realise that the beauty of light is that it shines. Just like Tomi did, if every reader can find practical ways to shine as lights, our world will be a better and more beautiful place to live in. We are lights and we can make so much difference in the world. If we can all shine our lights and remember that every act of kindness counts, we will become the best versions of ourselves.


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