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Tags: stories, bedtime, tales, toothfairy, moonlighttales, folktales, children,

Tales From Toothville


Product Summery

The legend of tooth fairies and their interactions with children who lose their milk teeth transcends generations, cultures, and races and remains relevant globally today. The Tales from Toothville, inspired by my love for folklore, is a contemporary compilation of tooth fairy stories that capturREAD MORE

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The legend of tooth fairies and their interactions with children who lose their milk teeth transcends generations, cultures, and races and remains relevant globally today. The Tales from Toothville, inspired by my love for folklore, is a contemporary compilation of tooth fairy stories that capture some of a child's favourite growing up moments and weaves the experience of losing their first tooth with parental love and positive children habits, and interesting fairy tales.

In the 70s in Nigeria, West Africa, I threw my loose tooth up on the roof for the tooth fairy to get and replace it with a cleaner tooth. As a mother in Ireland, the experience of my children loosing their tooth and the visit of the tooth fairy was a whole different experience from mine. The "Tales from Toothville" will present the tooth fairy's visit as a magical experience set in different cultural backdrops that leaves behind positive life lessons and little presents for every child.


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