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Tags: bible, children, Deborah, storybook,

Becoming Deborah


Product Summery

"Becoming Deborah: Learning to Love and Serve Others" is a Christian book designed for children who want to learn about the importance of loving and serving others. Through the story of Deborah, a powerful woman from the Bible, children will learn about valuable character traits such asREAD MORE


0hr - 23min
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"Becoming Deborah: Learning to Love and Serve Others" is a Christian book designed for children who want to learn about the importance of loving and serving others. Through the story of Deborah, a powerful woman from the Bible, children will learn about valuable character traits such as kindness, courage, faithfulness, trust in God, forgiveness, humility, and diligence. The book is divided into twelve chapters, each of which focuses on a different aspect of Deborah's life and character, making it easy for children to understand and follow along. The book also •emphasizes the power of prayer and how it can help children develop a closer relationship with God. By the end of this book, children will have a deeper understanding of what it means to love and serve others, and they will be inspired to apply these valuable lessons to their own lives. 


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