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Tags: Child-Development, parenting,

Peaceful Parenting


Product Summery

You would agree with me that 21st Century parenting is a huge and demanding task.
Despite the different solutions proffered to equip parents on how to successfully raise children, there’s still a missing link— parenting the parent. This book will aptly address this.


2hr - 5min
Hour(s) to read


Tab Article

You would agree with me that 21st Century parenting is a huge and demanding task.
Despite the different solutions proffered to equip parents on how to successfully raise children, there’s still a missing link— parenting the parent. This book will aptly address this.
Every parent was once a child. The upbringing that we had largely forms the crux of our parenting techniques. But banking on our experience alone makes us ill-equipped to meet the realities of contemporary parenting. Hence, the need for raise ourselves again in order to give our children the requisite training.
Every new step starts with you. Parenting your child starts with you, not your child. Wondering how this could be? Then you need to read this book to enable you transfer all you will learn to your child, using the peaceful parenting approach.


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