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Tags: God's perspective, love, career, Scriptures,

The Book of Many Realities


Product Summery

THE BOOK OF MANY REALITIES can be called a book of wisdom. It contains many revelations about life. A lot of people miss it in life either as a result of lack of information or misinformation about what
life requires and entails.
This book explains to a significant extent, key life READ MORE


2hr - 13min
Hour(s) to read


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THE BOOK OF MANY REALITIES can be called a book of wisdom. It contains many revelations about life. A lot of people miss it in life either as a result of lack of information or misinformation about what
life requires and entails.
This book explains to a significant extent, key life issues, and demystifies many mysteries dazzling a lot of individuals. The book begins with a definition of self-discovery as well as how to discover yourself. It then moves on to discussions around the need to value humble beginnings. It also x-rays the issue of career accident and the importance of people as great assets.
Drawing inspiration from the scriptures, issues of love, association and beautifying the present are discussed extensively and in a relatable manner in order to give the readers deep insight from God's perspectives. The book ends with a good number of short write-ups and wisdom quotes.
A page is not enough to capture how immensely beneficial this book will be for you. I am particular hopeful that after reading through, you would bless God for the inspiration that brought about this book and be pleased with yourself for making a decision to buy and read it.


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