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Tags: novelette, Fiction, teenagers, rape, young adults,

The Black Amazon


Product Summery

Odion, a beautiful and elegant girl, despite being raped by a trusted uncle, succeeded in carving out a niche for herself. Her story, though deeply touching, is a reflection of the travails of an average young girl. How did she mend the pieces of her left-over life? Find out! This fated story givREAD MORE


0hr - 53min
Hour(s) to read


Tab Article

Odion, a beautiful and elegant girl, despite being raped by a trusted uncle, succeeded in carving out a niche for herself. Her story, though deeply touching, is a reflection of the travails of an average young girl. How did she mend the pieces of her left-over life? Find out! This fated story gives a graphic picture of how she escaped from home to the valley-of-nowhere. In the course of trying to survive, she realized that she needed to confront her fears with every breath in her. Ultimately, she succeeded in unveiling the secrets behind the black-curtains... and surely, is a demonstration of the deployment of the amazing power within.


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