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Tags: christian fiction, Fiction,

Grey Rose


Product Summery

This is the story of a teenage girl called Amelia, a victim of two rape incidents. Amelia is the daughter of a mostly absent father and a less circumspect mother. She has endured undeserved shame and pain from least expected places and people. The unfortunate turn of events has made her withdrawnREAD MORE


1hr - 45min
Hour(s) to read


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This is the story of a teenage girl called Amelia, a victim of two rape incidents. Amelia is the daughter of a mostly absent father and a less circumspect mother. She has endured undeserved shame and pain from least expected places and people. The unfortunate turn of events has made her withdrawn, distrustful and embittered. Will she heal and emerge from her pit of misery? Find out in this intriguing and instructive work. 


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