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Tags: Historical, Fiction,



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In the latter half of the 19th century, the wheels of colonization begin to gather momentum across Africa. One of the first territories the British would claim is Lagos. As the Brits spread their tentacles through and beyond their new colony, their strange ways and norms clash with established cuREAD MORE


9hr - 38min
Hour(s) to read


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In the latter half of the 19th century, the wheels of colonization begin to gather momentum across Africa. One of the first territories the British would claim is Lagos. As the Brits spread their tentacles through and beyond their new colony, their strange ways and norms clash with established cultures of the people they now wield power over.
The chief priest of a god brings terror to a small fishing town in the colony and an African doctor decides to take him on. Impeded by his white boss, the doctor seeks help elsewhere. Joining him in his quest is a mismatched group with wavering loyalty to his cause.
The doctor's methods are unconventional and his comrades in arms have their separate problems to worry about.


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