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Tags: Righteousness, satanic agents, seer, Holy Spirit, purity, prophetic, spoken words, the occult, goodness, victory,

Power of Spoken Word Practically Demonstrated


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Power of Spoken Word Practically Demonstrated is a Holy Spirit inspired book containing twenty-six heaven-backed testimonies arising from the functional use of the spoken word to achieve divine purpose. It also shows the use and manipulation of the spoken word by Satan and its agents to achieve pREAD MORE


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Power of Spoken Word Practically Demonstrated is a Holy Spirit inspired book containing twenty-six heaven-backed testimonies arising from the functional use of the spoken word to achieve divine purpose. It also shows the use and manipulation of the spoken word by Satan and its agents to achieve premeditated ends. It sheds light on the superiority of the positive supernatural over the negative supernatural. The book also expose the activities of the occult and proffers solutions towards countering them. It is obviously a resource and research material for Christians and non-Christians alike.


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