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Tags: men, Hero, victory,

The Making of a Hero

  • Author: Temitope Oke
  • Category: Religion & Spirituality
  • Availability: In Stock
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Who is a Hero?

Right from the beginning of time, women gives birth to men according to the principle of reproduction.

But not all men are men, some are called Heroes.

The difference between them has nothing to do about their birth, but how they live their lives. How READ MORE


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Who is a Hero?

Right from the beginning of time, women gives birth to men according to the principle of reproduction.

But not all men are men, some are called Heroes.

The difference between them has nothing to do about their birth, but how they live their lives. How conscious they are that being a man is not enough but being a Hero is the key.

Men are given birth to, but heroes are made.

Here comes a book that unveils your journey as a man to being a Hero

The Making of a Hero

 Find my definition for a Hero

© Temitope Oke


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