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Tags: existence, wisdom, Godliness, creation,

The Difference


Product Summery

Every man was created with a purpose – beautifully outlined and intricately designed by the Wisdom of God. And His reason? To show the beauty of His wisdom through us who believe unto the whole world. However, man is given a will to choose the course of his life, and this choice is what makREAD MORE


2hr - 36min
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Every man was created with a purpose – beautifully outlined and intricately designed by the Wisdom of God. And His reason? To show the beauty of His wisdom through us who believe unto the whole world. However, man is given a will to choose the course of his life, and this choice is what makes "The Difference".
This book seeks to outline "The Difference" between any two people existing on the surface of the earth; and this is in their dispositions to God! As a case study, we shall consider the lives of the first two kings of Israel - Saul and David. What were the differences?


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