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Tags: Communication in Marriage Christian, marriage forgiveness romance, Marriage devotional for couples, love and marriage,

What MARRIAGE Has Taught Me


Product Summery



According to US CENSUS BUREAU, It is said that at least 2.3 million couREAD MORE


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According to US CENSUS BUREAU, It is said that at least 2.3 million couples wed every year in the US. That breaks down to nearly 6,200 weddings a day. A minimum of $72 billion per year is spent on weddings and researchers estimate that 41% of all first marriages end in divorce. Does this ring a bell?

You are currently in a relationship or about to tie the knot with your lover which is the dream of every woman or man but the question I want you to ponder on is; are you going to fall into the 41% of couples who divorce in their first year of marriage or you will grab a sit and learn from an expert who has 14 years experience in the marriage and relationship sphere?

Over the past 14 years, What Marriage Has Taught Me are lessons I wished someone told me before saying I do. Love they say is a beautiful thing but it takes more than emotions to build the last longing marriage. I have seen the ups and lows of marriage which if not properly handled; you can walk out of the door saying goodbye to the institution called marriage.

WHAT MARRIAGE HAS TAUGHT ME: 14 Lessons I Wished Someone Told Me Before Saying I Do is a guide for singles, soon to wed couples, and married couples who desire to escape the 41% statistics on divorce globally. In this book, you will learn the following;


  • How to Prepare For Your Marriage to Last Instead Of Waiting for It to End in Tears
  • What to Do During Your Courtship and Make the Best of it
  • The Right Mindsets You Need For a Blissful Marriage
  • Strategies to Rekindle Romance in Your Relationship and Marriage
  • The Role Personal Development Plays in Your Marriage

And so much more


I am often asked this question: What will you differently do if you are to get married again? My answer is simple; I will get a couple with a track record of a blissful marriage and learn from them. This is what my book WHAT MARRIAGE HAS TAUGHT ME: 14 Lessons I Wished Someone Told Me Before Saying I Do is offering to you. Click the BUY button now to get the eBook or paperback.






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