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Tags: Children Affiramations, Child Self-esteem,

My Book of Affirmations


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Words are seeds. They take root, germinate and grow. For this reason, we must be intentional about our use and choice of words, to make sure that wrong seeds are not planted in our children. My book of Affirmations is a guide to enable children to see themselves for who they truly are, what God cREAD MORE


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Words are seeds. They take root, germinate and grow. For this reason, we must be intentional about our use and choice of words, to make sure that wrong seeds are not planted in our children. My book of Affirmations is a guide to enable children to see themselves for who they truly are, what God created them to be. This would help them filter out every negative word and interaction they may hear as they go about their daily activities. Once they know the truth and imbibe it from a young age, it would become part of them, which no one would be able to alter. Also, it would boost their self-esteem, such that they won't give room to anyone to bring them down. This book is to help parents become more intentional about speaking the right and edifying words to their children, to help build the self-confidence level of children and teach them to speak to and believe only edifying words about themselves


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