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Tags: #Poetry,



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Crude is like a tree that has finally broken through the wall that hindered it. It narrates life's hurdles, dilemmas and desires without restraint. 

This chapbook gives a panoramic view of personal and collective experiences. Issues are addressed in such a way that the emotionsREAD MORE


0hr - 23min
Hour(s) to read


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Crude is like a tree that has finally broken through the wall that hindered it. It narrates life's hurdles, dilemmas and desires without restraint. 

This chapbook gives a panoramic view of personal and collective experiences. Issues are addressed in such a way that the emotions splattered on the pages will become yours. 


"Crude is a dynamic and varied collection. Urhuru grapples with a multitude of themes that are as varied as the forms she employed. It proves to be just as comfortable being steadfast in the rigidity of sestinas as nimbly flowing with the fluidity of free verse.

     Crude refuses classification, rejects refinement and abhors conformity. We are in Urhuru's thoughts, questioning cultural and creative identity, and contemplating politics, virtues and vices.

     At all points, the words feel intentional and intense. It is quite an experience." 

- Franklyn Usouwa, writer, shortlisted for the 2021 & 2022 Common Wealth Short Story Prize. 


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