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Tags: #LastingLove., #Marriage., #UnfilteredLove., #Love.,

Love Unfiltered

  • Author: George Peter
  • Category: Relationship
  • Availability: In Stock

Product Summery

"Unfiltered Love" is not just a collection of sermons but a blueprint for physical transformation. George's ability to articulate complex issues with clarity and heartfelt in sights into relationships and marriage makes this book a must-read for anyone comREAD MORE

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"Unfiltered Love" is not just a collection of sermons but a blueprint for physical transformation. George's ability to articulate complex issues with clarity and heartfelt in sights into relationships and marriage makes this book a must-read for anyone committed to creating positive change. In a world where relationships are often viewed as curses rather than fulfilment, George's enduring message challenges readers to find profound endings to their relationships. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom and a testament to love.


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