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Tags: self-development, SELF-DISCOVERY,

Don't Abort The Treasures Within You


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"Your potentials are those possibilities captured in your ordination, which you are yet to become" * Do you constantly perceive there are things locked up on your inside but not finding expression? *Have you always wished you could be more of a blessing to your world? *Are you currently running tREAD MORE


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"Your potentials are those possibilities captured in your ordination, which you are yet to become" * Do you constantly perceive there are things locked up on your inside but not finding expression? *Have you always wished you could be more of a blessing to your world? *Are you currently running the rat race, doing every other thing order than pursuing God's purpose for your life? *Do you constantly define yourself by society, others, or even your past? *Would you love to deploy your purpose, gifts, and potential to serve God and humanity? If you have answered "Yes'" to any of the above questions, this book was written for you. DONTÁBORT THE TREASURE WITHIN YOU is an inspirational book written to help you discover all that God has placed within you. It is packed with revelations from God's Word, life-transforming stories of men who from nothing rose to relevance. This book would also stir your hunger to know God more intimately because everything is sustained by its source.


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