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Tags: Adeboye., G.O, Daddy, pastor,

Enoch Adeboye: A Friend of God

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Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, born March 2nd, 1942. needs little or no introduction. By the help of the Spirit, he has and still does have one of the most profound impact on the spread of the gospel in Africa and beyond and has been a critical force in nation building across African states.



0hr - 25min
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Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, born March 2nd, 1942. needs little or no introduction. By the help of the Spirit, he has and still does have one of the most profound impact on the spread of the gospel in Africa and beyond and has been a critical force in nation building across African states.

Baba Adeboye or Daddy G.O as he is fondly called has demonstrated unprecedented manifestations of the Holy Ghost through his ministry as General Overseer of the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world.

The age of Eighty is significant in Scriptures, therefore as our father attains this milestone age, this book presents a brief history of his life in Eighty simple points


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