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Tags: life, help, Garbage, Orchestrated,

Found in the Garbage

  • Author: Idy Theresa
  • Category: Self-Help
  • Availability: In Stock

Product Summery

Found in the Garbage follows the struggles many people go through quietly, away from the public knowledge of strangers and loved ones. Living under the cover-ups, the Owner built  to sustain a marriage that unmirrored the beautiful happily-ever-after she had wanted as a young woman. She captREAD MORE


2hr - 52min
Hour(s) to read


Tab Article

Found in the Garbage follows the struggles many people go through quietly, away from the public knowledge of strangers and loved ones. Living under the cover-ups, the Owner built  to sustain a marriage that unmirrored the beautiful happily-ever-after she had wanted as a young woman. She captures the life of a wife waiting through seven fallow years to conceive and thereafter finding herself in a home where she was constantly humiliated. And in what would seem like the end of the road, the unimaginable happened and she found herself living in her worst nightmare. With children and hope, she found a new life that would be orchestrated only by God. A life she never dreamt of, which although filled with its highs and lows would be all she ever needed. This book is for those who are in a place where their shoulders are too slender to bear the burdens of life. It is written for those who have found themselves in the lowest pit of life, who are quietly suffering but must do something before it is too late; something to avoid the premature termination of their lives, dreams, desires, and divine mandates.


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