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Tags: entrepreneur, profit, Business, brand,


  • Author: Tanimu Hassan
  • Category: Business & Money
  • Availability: In Stock

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Foreword by Emeka Nobis.

"In 2010 I set off to author my first book. 

Inspired by the possibility of being published by a foreign company, I made strives. I made inquiries and chose one in the United States of America. I emailed them. They referred mREAD MORE


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Foreword by Emeka Nobis.

"In 2010 I set off to author my first book. 

Inspired by the possibility of being published by a foreign company, I made strives. I made inquiries and chose one in the United States of America. I emailed them. They referred me to their sister company in Italy on the premise that they don’t publish Africans in the US. 

I emailed the sister company. After a few days, I got their response. Having checked me out, they considered me an “economic risk” to invest their funds in. That was primarily because they couldn’t find my name boasting of strong visibility and followership. Those two words stung.

I dusted myself and set sail. In Nigeria, there’s a popular slang called “pepper dem.” Literally translated, it means becoming so successful that folks who earlier considered you a waste pipe suck on their thumbs in misery (or stunned delight) when they see your glaring success. I wanted that for myself, perhaps to “pepper” that foreign company with my exploits and have them beg to publish me. Well, the chance of that happening may be remote, but I came off that encounter loaded the lethal virus of viciousness in my expressions. 


In 60 pages, Tanimu succinctly captures the fundamentals of the journey I’d embarked on - creating your stage, setting your stage, managing your stage and profiting from your stage.

It all starts with a....

If you're an entrepreneur looking to build your personal or business brand for optimum visibility, influence and profitable growth, this book is for you. 

The author shares amazing stories, experiences, strategies and proven steps to guide entrepreneurs on how they can create, set, manage and profit from their stage.

Tanimu, being a brand strategist succinctly shared workable blueprints that entrepreneurs can apply to grow their brands and businesses more profitably. 

He's got a heart for entrepreneurs and that defines my area of expertise in design and brand strategy.


So, take that bold step and get a copy of this book.


Create, set, manage and profit from your own stage!"


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