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Tags: dominating, leading, lead, Personal growth, reigning, personal leadership,



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It is by wisdom Kings reign and by divine secrets that reign is not aborted or shortlived. Hence, the land, Territory, social standing, space or industry notwithstanding, as long as you are a man of unveiled secrets, you will be enthroned. Unveiled secrets, wisdom, diviREAD MORE

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It is by wisdom Kings reign and by divine secrets that reign is not aborted or shortlived. Hence, the land, Territory, social standing, space or industry notwithstanding, as long as you are a man of unveiled secrets, you will be enthroned. Unveiled secrets, wisdom, divine insight and solutions is not only packaged for pastors, evangelists, apostles, teachers, prophets but everyone who names the name of Christ. So you can be a banker and have divine insight in moving the financial space forward or a fashion enthusiast and be able to download mysteries, even a politician and enabled to know God's intentions.

You can enlist in God's service in whatever space you are and in whatever capacity He calls you. Jesus didn't die only for the church but the whole world and you'd agree with me that the whole world is not found in church but in work spaces, in government, in entertainment etc. It is in these spaces, institutions, systems and structures that God intends for you to reign in dominion. Enthroned is a book detailing heaven's blueprint on the intricacies of rising and being Kings in spaces!


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