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Tags: Damnation., #Man's, #Eternal, journey, Man., Journey., Damnation, #Man., Eternal, #Final, of,

Final Joyrney of Man's Eternal Damnation

  • Author: Lifa Frank
  • Category: Non-fiction
  • Availability: In Stock

Product Summery

Embark on a compelling journey with our narrator as he navigates the tumultuous landscape of life. Facing a world where he has nothing to prove, he grapples with existential crises, temptations, and setbacks, mirroring the challenges we all encounter. Amidst the struggle for survival, his feelingREAD MORE


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Embark on a compelling journey with our narrator as he navigates the tumultuous landscape of life. Facing a world where he has nothing to prove, he grapples with existential crises, temptations, and setbacks, mirroring the challenges we all encounter. Amidst the struggle for survival, his feelings for Gabriela intensify, pulling him deeper into a dark and chaotic world. Will love be his salvation or his undoing?

Dive into this dark-themed tale of love, pain, and the search for meaning.

Lifa Frank, a talented author from Abia, Nigeria, masterfully weaves stories that explore the depths of human experience and emotion.



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