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Showing 1 to 12 of 12

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I did not discover my identity or creative passion until my late 40s. I was living in mediocrity, crippled by limiting beliefs based on my upbringing. I was unhappy with my life but did not know ho   ... Read More


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This book is written to inspire and make you achieve success in any endeavour you find yourself. It has some success tips and ingredients as well as failure ingredients that will enable you know wh   ... Read More


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"Empowered to Succeed" is an inspirational book that focuses on impacting great knowledge into people through inspirational poems.
The desire of every youth is to be successful in   ... Read More


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Do you aspire to be a successful writer, playing a bigger game and achieving massive results? This book outlines 15 practical steps to help you reach that goal. By reading and applying its teaching   ... Read More


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Productivity Hack is a compendium of precious secrets, tips and tricks on how to radically boost your productivity and significantly enhance your creativity. In this tour de force, the mysteries th   ... Read More


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When you start planning for your long productive life and career, the first thing that comes to mind is getting a u   ... Read More


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The pharmaceutical and entrepreneurship industries are one of the most flourishing and fastest growing industries in the world for the very simple reason that people get ill.


  ... Read More


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Do you desire to achieve massive success in your life? 
Do you want to move from where you are now to where you desire to be? 
Do you want to learn the principles of success   ... Read More


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The Wealth Book is an exceptional guide to understanding money. It offers invaluable insights on how to overcome poverty and embrace wealth. 
With practical wisdom, this book provides y   ... Read More


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Success and failure are not just a business of the mind or thought; they are rather a business of acts—in the doing or failure to do. This book brings to bare the foundation for a successful   ... Read More


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Early 2014, I lost my job; however, the
experience made me understand the anxiety
and worries that comes with losing one's job,
especially if one has given one'   ... Read More


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Early 2014, I lost my Job; however, the
experience made me understand the anxiety and worries that comes with losing one's job,
especially if one has given one   ... Read More
