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Showing 1 to 9 of 9

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You know the different feelings that comes with life, the uncertainties, the happy times, the doubts, the imposter syndromes, the depressed and the indifferent times. In all, you just wish your lif   ... Read More


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Research has it that 50% of businesses fail within the first 5 years of their startup. 

This is bec   ... Read More


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Productivity Hack is a compendium of precious secrets, tips and tricks on how to radically boost your productivity and significantly enhance your creativity. In this tour de force, the mysteries th   ... Read More


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Many people in the secular world have gotten engrossed with procrastination so much that they remain stuck in life. I wrote this book to reveal the true character of procrastination to all and sund   ... Read More


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Do you desire to achieve massive success in your life? 
Do you want to move from where you are now to where you desire to be? 
Do you want to learn the principles of success   ... Read More


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The Wealth Book is an exceptional guide to understanding money. It offers invaluable insights on how to overcome poverty and embrace wealth. 
With practical wisdom, this book provides y   ... Read More


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"Every Woman Should Have This" is not just a book that should be read but memorized.

It is a book to help women discover their uniqueness and know how they can use it to create   ... Read More


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For anyone to succeed in life and destiny, the place and significance of personal development cannot be overemphasized, because it takes fundamental secrets to succeed in any field of human endeavo   ... Read More


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This book is a life-transforming piece that is dedicated to women all over the world. It serves as a guide to help women embrace their true identity and make the most of their unique complexities.   ... Read More
